How Cocu works

It takes cutting edge technology to automate responses effortlessly

Our magic.

Using our sophisticated large language model, Cocu uses your previous responses and collateral to craft responses based on your internal and industry best practises.

Expert Led.

Our human-in-the-loop model is a cornerstone of our approach, integrating the precision of AI with the expertise of world-class tender experts. These experts guide the AI, ensuring it delivers gold-standard answers that align with the highest industry benchmarks. Their involvement means that Cocu caters to even the most stringent tender specifications.

This model is effective in navigating the complex landscape of local procurement standards and regulations. Our experts in regional compliance requirements ensure the AI has a deep understanding of these nuances. This knowledge allows the AI to tailor responses that are not just technically proficient but also fully compliant with local guidelines.

The result is a powerful synergy where the speed and efficiency of AI are enhanced by human expertise, delivering a nuanced and sophisticated tender response. This ensures that every submission crafted through our platform is of the highest quality, reflecting global best practices and local regulatory demands. Businesses benefit from an intelligent system that learns over time, continuously improving while maintaining the human expertise that is critical for success in responding to RFT’s.

Personalised & Fine Tuned.

Our fine-tuned model takes customisation to the next level by integrating and learning from each customer's unique set of business data, collateral and previous tender responses. This approach ensures that the output maintains consistency throughout the tender response.

By analysing and incorporating a business's past submissions and internal materials, the AI is able to align with the company's voice, technical language and approaches that have been successful in the past. This results in responses that are tailored to the specific requirements of a new tender with a coherent narrative.

Using a company's unique data to train AI results in higher-quality tender responses that closely match the business's value proposition and strategic positioning. This personalised approach ensures responses are tailored, reflecting the company's unique attributes. Consequently, our AI produces responses that excel in competitive bids.

In essence, our fine-tuned model leverages a company's historical internal expertise as a foundation for future submissions. This strategic use of data drives the creation of highly customised, coherent and competitive tender responses, ensuring your business stands out.


Ensuring the security and privacy of your data is a paramount. We implement stringent security measures to guarantee that your data, including prompts, completions, embeddings and training materials, remains private and is not at risk of leakage. Your information is not accessible to other customers or to any third parties and it is not used to enhance AI models or any external products and services.

Our models operate without retaining or leveraging your data for improvements, unless explicitly fine-tuned with your specific input. Hosted securely within Microsoft's Azure environment, ensuring exclusive use and control over your fine-tuned models. This dedicated approach to security and privacy provides you with the confidence that your proprietary data is protected, allowing you to focus on maximising the benefits of Cocu.